
small knitting

My take on the Garter Stitch Fingerless Mittens and Hat
My take on the Garter Stitch Fingerless Mittens and Hat
My take on the Garter Stitch Fingerless Mittens and Hat
dishcloths and placemats
dishcloths and placemats
dishcloths and placemats
tea, loads of tea

here are a couple small projects i've been working on - dishcloths, placemats, and my take on this hat and fingerless mittens from that beautiful article in the january issue of martha stewart living about knitting.  i've been living off easy knitting projects that only take a couple hours to complete, and in the process, have discovered the beauty of the garter stitch.

i hope to be posting an itty bitty pattern i wrote soon too!


  1. I never thought about making knitted placemats, those are lovely! Did you make them up or is there a pattern?


  2. That placemat is awesome! Did you use a pattern?

  3. i love your place mats, that would be such a nice project to do. I should make some coasters. Knitting has taken a lot off my mind lately.

  4. i just might have a crush on the grey placemats. now if only we had a table in our newly moved into house to set, i'd be begging you to add some to your shop. i also have to say, i find it remarkable that you are able to create such beauty while you are not feeling your best.

  5. Knitting is the perfect stress reliever. These little projects are so lovely.

  6. Love the purple + gray combo! Great work.

  7. The placemats look very nice, particularly the gray one.

  8. oh yes, if you remember the pattern you either created or used for the placemat....i would so dig it.
    exactly what would work perfect around our square table without corners overlapping.

    be well!
