
oh man, it's friday?

oh man, it's friday?
oh man, it's friday?
oh man, it's friday?
oh man, it's friday?

i mean, t.g.i.f.  this week really went fast, which means something good - i'm slowly getting better and out of the house!  it's been so nice to slowly emerge back into the land of the living.  so nice in fact, i'm holding back on the exclamation points.  i'm getting the office whipped back into shape which means i crossed off number one on the new years goals list.  i also spent most of the week trying to wrap my brain around some difficult pattern drafting for my knitting machine which is also a goal for this year.  i'm breaking the last goal as we speak though by exercising, blogging and listening to music all at the same time.  i'm not aiming for perfection.

i know i said i'd have a couple knitting patterns to post on here, and i still plan on sharing them.  i tried working through editing them this morning, but have one too many knitting patterns floating around in my head right now.  soon, i promise!


  1. that's awesome, elly! i finished a huge project myself the end of last week and i've been "spring cleaning" ever since. this apt really really really needs it. and i'm also trying to organize my work room. finally got a heavy duty shelving unit to put some of my things. i know i'm going to have to have a fabric yardsale sometime on my blog to get rid of some of the boxes and boxes of fabric i've been holding onto for years! btw, i am not really good at exercising, but have started doing yoga on a regular bases and it really has helped! next on the list is to get my butt outside and go jogging. maybe when it gets a little warmer... :)

  2. I can't wait till you start selling your patterns Elly. Downton is really the perfect sweater/sweatshirt design. I'm thinking the Sweetwater one from last year too but, take your time :)

  3. i'm glad you are feeling better too. happy knitting! your photos are really lovely...i might pull out my knitting basket again.
